This page houses our list of climate and disaster-related funding opportunities. Do you know of a funding opportunity that should be on this list? Contact us, and we’ll add it!
Types of Support: Capital Project Equipment Building
ResetClimate Smart Humanities Organizations
Deadline: 09/18/2024
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Office of Challenge Programs Climate Smart Humanities Organizations program strengthens the institutional base of the humanities by funding operational assessments and strategic planning…
Clean Air for Kids
Deadline: rolling deadline - awards yearly in January and June
Clean Air for Kids is an initiative that seeks to help bring healthy air to classrooms in impacted communities. Our specific goal is to bring effective clean air technology to…
National Forest Foundation’s Collaborative Capacity Program for Forests & Communities (CCP)
Deadline: 07/12/2024
California Public Utilities Commission Equity and Access Grant Program
Deadline: 06/30/2024
America’s Ecosystem Restoration Initiative: America the Beautiful Challenge 2024
Deadline: 04/04/2024
America’s Ecosystem Restoration Initiative: America the Beautiful Challenge 2024 The ATBC vision is to streamline grant funding opportunities for new voluntary conservation and restoration projects throughout the United States. This…
Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG)
Deadline: 03/08/2024
Fiscal Year 2023 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) The AFG Program provides financial assistance directly to eligible fire departments, nonaffiliated emergency medical service (EMS) organizations, and State Fire Training Academies…
Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Competition
Deadline: 06/05/2024
Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Competition Congress appropriated $225 million for competitive grants to preserve and revitalize manufactured housing and eligible manufactured housing communities and directed HUD…
Deadline: Ongoing
EDA-DISASTER-2023 Subject to the availability of funds, awards made under this NOFO will help communities and regions devise and implement long-term economic recovery strategies through a variety of non-construction and…
Coastal Conservancy Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Coastal Conservancy Grants The Coastal Conservancy funds a wide variety of projects along the California coast, San Francisco Bay, and in coastal watersheds to increase availability of beaches, parks and…
Bob & Dolores Hope Foundation
Deadline: 11/01/2024
Funded USO – Greater Los Angeles Area, Inc for flood relief in 2021. Subjects: Capital and infrastructure, general support, program support Grants: