This page houses our list of climate and disaster-related funding opportunities. Do you know of a funding opportunity that should be on this list? Contact us, and we’ll add it!
Types of Support: Other Disasters
ResetEmergency Community Water Assistance Grants
Deadline: Open
This program helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Eligible applicants include: rurally located public bodies. nonprofit organizations. federally…
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program in California
Deadline: Open
This program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas….
Climate Smart Humanities Organizations
Deadline: 09/18/2024
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Office of Challenge Programs Climate Smart Humanities Organizations program strengthens the institutional base of the humanities by funding operational assessments and strategic planning…
Clean Air for Kids
Deadline: rolling deadline - awards yearly in January and June
Clean Air for Kids is an initiative that seeks to help bring healthy air to classrooms in impacted communities. Our specific goal is to bring effective clean air technology to…
Department of Health and Human Services Environmental Justice Community Innovator Challenge
Deadline: 06/30/2024
Climate Justice Initiative Spring Cycle
Deadline: 03/20/2024
Climate Justice Initiative Spring Cycle The primary goal of MCF’s Climate Justice Initiative is to leverage significant public and private climate investments that provide near-term opportunities and long-term benefits for…
National Coastal Resilience Fund
Deadline: (not listed)
National Coastal Resilience Fund Restores, increases, and strengthens natural infrastructure to protect coastal communities while also enhancing habitats for fish and wildlife. Established in 2018, the National Coastal Resilience Fund…
America’s Ecosystem Restoration Initiative: America the Beautiful Challenge 2024
Deadline: 04/04/2024
America’s Ecosystem Restoration Initiative: America the Beautiful Challenge 2024 The ATBC vision is to streamline grant funding opportunities for new voluntary conservation and restoration projects throughout the United States. This…
Advancing Tribal Nature-Based Solutions Grant
Deadline: May 22, 2024, 5PM MST 05/22/2024 @ 5:00pm
Advancing Tribal Nature-Based Solutions Grant This project is designed to provide tribes and Native nonprofits with resources to support climate action that addresses adaptation and disaster preparation (e.g., wildfires, flooding,…
California Fire Foundation
Deadline: May 22, 2024, 5PM MST 05/22/2024 @ 5:00pm
Funding priority will be extended to eligible applicants whose wildfire prevention or preparedness projects serve under-resourced communities at heightened wildfire risk and/or socially vulnerable populations, including low-income and impoverished, minority…