Helping Community-Based Organizations and Tribes Access Public Grants and Philanthropic Funding
A project supporting capacity building for nonprofits, community-based organizations, Tribes, and tribal organizations working in climate and disaster resilience across California.
Make an Appointment
We offer individualized grants assistance by appointment.
That’s right—you can sign up for a one-on-one appointment with a grant writing professional, and discuss whatever grant writing or project planning questions you choose.
You decide the discussion topic for the appointment and tell us how we can help you.
You can work with a grants professional to:
- review a draft proposal,
- get help with a budget,
- identify and assess specific grant opportunities,
- ask a general question, or
- discuss any other topic that will contribute to your grant’s success.
Join Our Email List
Sign up here to receive email updates about this project for you, your staff, and your organization. We will be announcing events and adding new grant writing and capacity building resources throughout the year.
About the Project and Partners
This climate capacity building project is led by Philanthropy California, a statewide alliance of California philanthropic organizations, and funded by The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES).
Grants technical assistance is designed and delivered by Gary Bess Associates.
Additional partners:
Catalyst of San Diego & Imperial Counties
Northern California Grantmakers
Southern California Grantmakers
California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB)