Image: Extreme Heat Warning in Death Valley, Fosco Lucarelli (<a href="">Attribution &amp; ShareAlike</a>)
Image: Extreme Heat Warning in Death Valley, Fosco Lucarelli (Attribution & ShareAlike)

By Philanthropy California

This summer’s heat wave in California highlights the urgency for effective heat management strategies in our communities. Record-breaking temperatures swept across the state, resulting in widespread power outages, strained healthcare systems, and agricultural losses. Vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly, homeless, and low-income communities, faced increased health risks, with reports of heat-related illnesses and deaths surging. As climate change continues to drive extreme weather events, the need for comprehensive and accessible resources to combat extreme heat has never been more critical.

In recent months, there have been a number of federal and state initiatives relating to extreme heat, including:

While federal and state initiatives are critical to shape policies around extreme heat, at the grassroots level, nonprofits, community-based organizations, Tribes, and Tribal organizations play a vital role in supporting communities during extreme heat events. Below are some practical resources that can help organizations like yours better prepare for and respond to extreme heat and its impacts.

Shared Messaging Resources for Extreme Heat

Cooling Centers and Heat Risk Assessment Tools

State and Local Safety Resources and Programs:

Addressing extreme heat requires a collaborative, cross-sector effort. Ensuring that communities are well-informed about heat risks, safety measures, and available support can significantly mitigate the adverse effects of extreme heat. Together, we can foster resilience and safeguard the well-being of all Californians in the face of rising temperatures due to climate change.

Do you know of any other resources that should be added to the list? E-mail us using our contact form and let us know!