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May 7

Telling the Story of Your Work: Program Evaluation and Logic Models

May 7, 2024 - 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Webinar Recording

The webinar is being recorded. Within 2 weeks of the webinar, recordings will be posted at Recordings & Materials. Recordings will be available in English and in Spanish.

Don’t be intimidated by program evaluation or logic models! They use specialized language, but they are descriptions of very practical and down-to-earth realities about your program, such as clearly describing what your program will do, counting how many people you served, or listening to people describe how they were impacted by your program activities.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

Program Evaluation

  • Forms of program evaluation: quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (stories and experiences)
  • Kinds of program evaluation and when they happen
  • Outputs vs. outcomes
  • Forms of measurement (surveys, completion of referrals, provision of material goods)

Logic models

  • Common formats for a logic model
  • Determining metrics – what to measure and when
  • PDSA models – Plan, Do, Study, Act


Jim Myers, Gary Bess Associates

Jim Myers is the Director of Evaluation and Research at Gary Bess Associates. He teaches courses in research methods and program evaluation in the School of Social Work at California State University, Chico, and oversees evaluations and applied research projects at GBA. He has served as the lead evaluator for many different federally funded projects, including prevention programs in American Indian/Alaska Native Tribes and Villages. Jim also delivers technical assistance to teach evaluation to federal grantees.

Brenda Freeman, University of Nevada, Reno

Brenda Freeman is a professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, where she teaches counseling theories and counselor education. She is a licensed clinical professional counselor with experience in clinical counseling, international student counseling, and grief and loss counseling. Dr. Freeman also has extensive experience teaching and supporting program evaluation with American Indian/Alaska Native grant-funded programs, including delivering technical assistance on evaluation processes to federal grantees.