This page houses our list of climate and disaster-related funding opportunities. Do you know of a funding opportunity that should be on this list? Contact us, and we’ll add it!
Listos California Target Grant
Deadline: 03/04/2024
2023-24 Listos California Target Grant (LG) Program RFP The purpose of the Listos California Target Grant (LG) Program is to support organizations throughout California that serve smaller communities with equity…
Listos California Cert Support Grant (LC) CERT Program
Deadline: 03/04/2024
2023-24 Listos California Cert Support Grant (LC) Program RFP Provide funding to new and existing CERT programs to support projects that help prepare vulnerable and underserved populations including: providing CERT…
Community Foundation for Muskegon County
Deadline: (not listed)
Funded the Santa Ana chapter of the American Red Cross in 2021 for flood relief. Subjects: General support, program support Grants: $5,000 – $500,000
Leonard C & Mildred F Ferguson Foundation
Deadline: None
Funded emergency farm flood relief for Fresh Approach in 2023. Subjects: Program support Grants:
United Way of the Wine Country
Deadline: 02/13/2024
Funded flood relief for West Community Services in 2020. Subjects: Capacity-building and technical assistance, equipment, general support, program support Grants:
Bob & Dolores Hope Foundation
Deadline: 11/01/2024
Funded USO – Greater Los Angeles Area, Inc for flood relief in 2021. Subjects: Capital and infrastructure, general support, program support Grants:
Tierra del Sol Foundation
Deadline: None
Funded Tierra del Sol Foundation’s efforts for relief and humanitarian aid after floods and earthquakes in 2021 and 2022. Subjects: Program support Grants:
os Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Deadline: None
Funded the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy in 2020 to support LAANE and SCOPE to ensure the full and equitable implementation of the Safe Clean Water Program to…
Southwest Airlines Co. Contributions Program
Deadline: 60 days prior to the event
Southwest Airlines Co. announced a donation of $150,000 to national disaster relief partners the American Red Cross, Feeding America, and Team America in 2021 to assist with relief operations from…
The Isabel and Michael Mondavi Foundation
Deadline: None
Funded Napa Communities Firewise Foundation’s efforts to reduce the fire fuel load in Napa County and help the community be firewire and firesmart through mitigation and education. Subjects: Program support…